
About the workstreams

A system only changes when the people in it do.

How the Think Tank addresses complex issues

Collaboration and collective learning are at the heart of the changing systems. Therefore, the EHC Think Tank hosts several thematic multistakeholder working groups whose purpose is to address complex issues – we call them workstreams, because of their open-ended and explorative nature.

Workstream members themselves drive the Think Tank’s workstreams. These members are identified and invited based on their subject matter expertise and potential for constructive engagement and ‘change agent’ contributions.

Workstreams are governed by Terms of Reference and Codes of Conduct and held under the ‘Chatham House Rule’1. Workstreams are project-managed from within their individual membership – who set their agendas, timelines and targeted outputs – with operational, logistical, methodological and facilitation support from EHC staff and Think Tank practitioners.

Concrete outcomes and results vary across workstreams but may include, though not be limited to, manuscripts, consensus-based guidelines, monographs, white papers, etc.

Workstream membership and profiles

The composition of the workstreams aims to reflect the diversity of key actors who have hands-on knowledge of challenges and possible solutions in this thematic area. This includes, but is not limited to: patients, healthcare professionals, industry partners, private companies, policymakers, researchers, and academics. 

The general membership profile is built around required skill sets and may evolve throughout the co-creation process. The initial skill sets include the ability to ‘problem map’ salient points and their relationships, requiring: 

  • Hands-on knowledge of the topic area,
  • Genuine willingness to learn about, and actively contribute to, a systems change culture,
  • Experienced, analytical, open, hands-on ability to remove stakeholder ‘hats’, and
  • Respect of Chatham House Rule and culture of conduct and engagement.

Each workstream brings together 16-20 individuals, which is broad enough to ensure a comprehensive overview, while small enough to be workable.

The mandate duration and meeting cadence are due to change based on collective needs and decisions. However, the preliminary anticipated commitment is three to four (3-4) hours per meeting, once a semester, trimester or quarterly, subject to the above collective decision.

The methodologies

The EHC Think Tank finds inspiration on creating substantial and sustainable change through co-creation from a myriad of methodologies and approaches sometimes used in other fields than health. These include:

  • System change thinking, philosophy and methodologies,
  • Collaborative networks,
  • Open space,
  • Bottom-up participatory approaches, and
  • Human design thinking.

Please go to Resources for more in-depth information about the methods.

Theme selection

In 2020 the EHC ran a horizon scanning process resulting in the following three themes to commence its work in 2021:

Read more about each workstream topic on the additional pages.

In 2022, a new process began to identify future topics for the EHC Think Tank to address via its workstreams. Via its so-called Innovation Lab, two new workstreams were identified:

Please reach out to us if you would like to know more.

1 Ref. for Chatham house rule:

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